About Us

Ta San Shang Marine Co. Ltd. (herein after referred to as “TSSM”), a joint venture owned by Taiwan’s Ta Tong Marine Group (TTM) and Japan’s Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), is a shipping company established in 2020 in the city of Taipei.
TSSM focus on providing service operation vessels (SOV) to support the operations and maintenance of offshore wind farms in Taiwan. TSSM owns Asia’s first newly-built SOV and plays an important role in supplying clean energy to local Taiwan households.
The Company operates under a Code of Conduct that is accepted in writing by all employees and suppliers. Our mission is to make a difference in Taiwan’s shipping industry where we are a part of.
We keep contributing to improve the nature of business and always meet the highest Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) standards. All TSSM critical operations have defined and structured procedures. Our management is certified by LRQA in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 standards and recognized by CR Classification Society in compliance with ISM Code.